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by thecloudforest

I haven’t been able to write anything lately because there is such a distinct, chasm-like division between diary entries composed before my mom’s death and the blank pages that follow. I’m torn between feeling like the notebook I am using should be hidden away in a box or on a shelf, or bravely continued for the sake of, well, continuity. I’ve never been able to finish writing in a journal, front to back and this isn’t helping. The computer is slightly more kind. And less real.

I’m probably the most sensitive, irritable and impatient I’ve ever been.

I applied for community college again a few weeks ago and now the idea seems extremely unappealing. I applied for a bookstore job last night and hope they can’t smell the desperation coming off me in waves and are repelled by it. I still don’t know how these things work. I am always too much or never enough for someone.

I feel an often overwhelming need to get clean. I assume this is a common reaction, perhaps a bonus stage of grief.